The rec room
The rec room

the rec room

The Messages section will contain messages sent from the system and messages sent to you by friends. The People section will be your friends, the people around you and the party section…. The first is the Profile icon, this will be the section for personal information and some features such as entering code, inviting friends, block list … Below is an introduction to the game’s features. The Best of Rec Room item will be the most delicious games in the Rec Room. About This Room: Information about the room you are standing in.

the rec room

Challenges: Join the challenges in the game.


I'm 3/5ths of the character limit and I'm not even a quarter way through with the problems this game has.See more: The latest Blockman Go code and how to enter the code Every week there are weekly challenges where you complete certain quests like kill 5 players in a row in paintball (although if you're a screen player you can say goodbye to that dream because you can only hold one gun while VR players can hold two so if one is in your server you can kiss your mortal plane of existence behind) to unlock skins for weapons or the marker pen or the camera.


If you wear the free items you get ridiculed but if you wear expensive items you also get ridiculed and a lot of E-beggars will ask you to gift them something. The outfits and other clothing items are bland and terrible and there isn't a large selection but even if there was it's locked behind a paywall. Speaking of females, any girl that joins is constantly harassed or swarmed by other players and will not leave her unless she leaves but those are for players with a female voice and the reason I say this is because there are a lot of guys who dress up as girls.or Bob ross.or john wick.


Mods and admins are not any good either, imagine you joining a serious roleplay server and you're getting into it maybe you are talking to a girl that happens to live in the same area as you and you're hitting it off when all of a sudden some admin joins, makes himself huge and equips a furry costume or an alien costume and starts flying around while spawning random things in. There is a setting to be paired up with people other than squeakers but even with that option there are a bunch of kids who lied about their age. The social aspect comes down to games just filled with kids or teens going around yelling profanities and every type of slur you can think of or some guy blowing down his mic or playing music with it. Speaking of quests for whatever reason they added a friendly fire system which doesn't make much sense because if you're accidentally hit by someone in a hectic round and you're both about to die then bad it's off to the shadow realm, but combining that with the ability to join a game no matter the stage means anyone can join mid game or even boss level, kill you all then leave the game and those two things alone cost me a few end of quest rewards. The quests are just as unplayable as the community games, in goldentrophy you fight these large brutes with axes that have the power to send you to infinitely fall through the map causing you to exit the game because the watch gets so started by the brutes attack it forgets how it works.


although if you're in a building with no windows and a door that you can't glitch through you're safe right? WRONG because in the game you possess an X-RAY camera so a player can see where you are and put his hand through the wall with his shotgun and give you and your house a custom paint job. there are the teleporters and if there isn't a limit or cool down then any debate you have with them just gets shut down by someone teleporting behind you and before you turn around you've already been given a duel shotgun counter argument. Some players use their VR headset to glitch through the wall of a building to escape being shot at and as soon as you turn your back it's off the spawn point with you. These downfalls ruin the fun rec room experience i have with players who aren't spawn camping your or setting their floor hight really high so they can tunnel under the map and pop up to deliver you a free face paint with their fancy duel paint shotguns. This game is riddled with bugs glitches and crashes which makes fallout 76 look like a godsend in comparison. This game is riddled with bugs glitches and crashes which makes fallout 76 look like a The game itself is a good premise if it wasn't abused.

the rec room

The game itself is a good premise if it wasn't abused.

The rec room